
TurningPoint for Office 2003 User Guide 143
Racing Leader Board Settings
Enables you to view and change settings for Racing Leader Board slides.
Response Reminders Settings
Enables you to view and set Response Reminders settings.
Bubble Size Value Format Determines the displayed format for bubble sizes. The acceptable formats
are 0, 0.0 and 0.00. The default value is set to 0.
Bubble Size Visible Determines if bubble size values are visible. The default is set to True,
which shows the bubble size value.
Setting Description
Animation Speed Sets the speed at which the teams move across the slide.
Number of Racers Displayed Sets the maximum number of teams to show up on a slide. A maximum of
10 teams can be displayed.
Points To Win Race Sets the number of points required to be earned by a team to win the
Skip Remaining Race Slides Skips the remaining racing slides if the point level has been reached that
is set in the Points To Win Race setting.
Setting Description
Answer Now Select the default Answer Now object that will be automatically added to
new slides. The default is set to None, which does not automatically add
an Answer Now Indicator. All Answer Now objects are available to choose
Answer Now Text Change the Answer Now text that is displayed in the Answer Now object.
The default text is Answer Now.
Auto-Advance Determines whether the Slide Show will automatically advance to the
next animation if polling is closed by a Countdown Indicator or Response
Counter object. The default is set to False, which does not automatically
advance the Slide Show.
Countdown Determines if a Countdown object will be automatically added to new
slides. The default is set to None, which does not automatically add a
Countdown object to new slides. All Countdown objects are available to
choose from.
Setting Description