Owner manual

TurningPoint for Office 2007 User Guide 104
Modify Slides
a chart will not be placed on the slide, the response percentages and response counts will display when
polling closes.
Disable Auto Scale in Charts
When slides are inserted in TurningPoint, vertical charts are set to auto scale according to their
percentages. In some cases, the vertical charts do not display polling results proportionately. Vertical
charts can be made to display on a proportionate scale by disabling the Auto Scale Charts setting.
To disable Auto Scaling...
1 Click Tools on the TurningPoint Ribbon and select Settings.
2 Select Presentation from the Settings Hierarchy.
3 Under the Chart Settings, select Auto Scale Charts.
The bulleted or numbered answer list is re-numbered
according to the TurningPoint settings.
Numbering schemes can be modified for answers in
the Answer Bullet Format setting, a presentation-
level setting. Find more information about modifying
settings in Chapter 4: Response Device and Settings