Owner manual

TurningPoint for Office 2007 User Guide 230
Run a Presentation
Before You Begin
To measure demographic information, insert a question slide early in the presentation that asks the
audience to identify themselves in a demographic category, such as an age group or gender.
To use data slicing
1 Run the presentation. (From the PowerPoint Ribbon, select the Slide Show tab. In the Start Slide Show
section, select From the Beginning.)
2 Use the arrow keys to go to the primary question slide whose data you want to slice.
For example, to find out whether a certain age group in the audience prefers a certain type of music,
you would go to the question slide that asks participants to select a favorite type of music.
3 From the Showbar, select the Data Slicing button.
The Data Slicing window opens and displays a list of all questions from the interactive slides followed
by their answers.
Data Slicing
4 Expand the question that contains the answer whose data you wish to reference in the primary
question slide, and select the answer.
To use demographic information in reports, identify a
slide as a demographic question in the TurningPoint
settings at the slide-level. Set the Demographic
setting to True. Find more information in Response
Device and Settings Management on page 118and
Reports on page 232.