Owner manual

TurningPoint for Office 2007 User Guide 258
Manage and Edit Sessions
The Edit Session window displays options for editing the session file.
Edit Session Window: Edit Session
The window shows a list of all questions in the session. Below the list of questions is a list of answers,
which shows the answers for the questions selected in the list above.
5 Uncheck the box next to any question in the list that you would like to exclude from the session.
Excluding a question will omit all data about that question from the session file.
6 If you would like to change the question type or value, right-click on the question and select the desired
option from the Contextual menu that opens.
You can designate a question as demographic or change the default Correct and Incorrect point values.
Edit Session Window: Change Question Value
Demographic questions can be used in reports. Find more information in Reports on page 232.