Instruction Manual

WorkSpace for Java 24
l Blank Page - Add a blank page to the presentation.
l Grid Page - Add a grid page to the presentation.
l Image Page - Add an image page to the presentation.
l Duplicate Page - Add a duplicate of the current page to the presentation directly after the current page.
l Create Calendar Page - Add a calendar page to the presentation. Select and preview a one week, one-, two-, three-, or
four-month calendar. Indicate a starting month and year (the current month and year is the default) and choose a
background color for the calendar.
Insert Menu
l Picture - Add an image, such as a JPG file to the presentation.
l Hyperlink - Insert a link to a webpage.
l Audio Note - Add audio files to presentation files that you have recorded.
Window Menu
l Close Window - Close the presentation.
l Minimize Window - Minimize the presentation.
l Zoom Window - Zoom in or out of the presentation window.
l Interwrite Sims - Interwrite Sims are installed along with WorkSpace and serve as an alternative to Flash. Click the
Toolbox icon on the main toolbar to access the Interwrite Sims icon.
l Timer - Time classroom activities, exams, or quizzes.
l Mouse Mode - Applications and the desktop can be accessed using the Mouse tool while in Mouse Mode.
l Onscreen Keyboard - Place the cursor where you wish to insert typed keyboard characters.
l Gallery - The Gallery contains an extensive collection of images and interactive Flash simulations, called Interwrite
Sims, arranged in categories.
l Curtain - Hide the current page or hide the current desktop screen, if you are in Mouse mode.
Help Menu
l Interwrite WorkSpace Help - Opens the current WorkSpace user guide.
l Register Online - Checks for WorkSpace software updates. If the text is gray in color, the software is up-to-date.
l Online Documentation - Opens the company Support webpage.
l About WorkSpace - This window provides contact information, memory usage and the software version.