Owner's Manual

Sound Field Expander
The sound eld expander can be used for widening a stereo sound eld, boosting center sounds and
accentuating sounds from the left and right sides. The signal ow of the expander is shown below.
The left and right channels are processed
independently and split into four paths.
Igain: This sets the overall gain into the Sound Field Expander
and should be set to a level that does not produce distortion,
yet achieves adequate signal gain.
Tgain: Controls the level of the “T” path. The “Through”
path (T) is the direct unmodied sound. This gain setting
determines the amount of unprocessed signal that is mixed
into the nal output. When combined with the H Gain and M
Gain signals, various expander effects are achieved.
Lgain: Controls the level of the “L” Path. The “Low Pass
Filter” path (L) lters out frequencies above 200Hz. When the
Lgain is set low, the bass is cut and when it is set high the
bass is boosted. The result is similar to a “sub-woofer” effect.
. The L Gain setting will control the level of bass in the nal
sound and will not affect the directional effects.
Hgain: Controls the level of the “H” Path. The “High Pass Filter” path (H) lters
out frequencies below 200Hz. The expander is most effective on high frequency
signals, so this gain setting is critical to get the most effective expander effect.
Presets: Game Tab