Owner's Manual

Notch Filters
Although the notch lters are on their own tab, they are part of the Game Preset. Notch lters will
allow you to take a specic frequency in the audio and completely remove it. For example you could
remove the ringing effect of a ash-bang or a particular frequency of a bird chirping. Eight lters are
available to use, they all operate the same way and independently from each other.
Fc: This allows you to select the center frequency you want to notch. It is
measured in Hz.
Q: This allows you to select the Q of the lter. The higher this is set the
more narrow and aggressive the lter is. A low Q might knock out an entire
frequency range, but a high Q will allow you to pinpoint with your lter and
only remove the noise you want while not affecting other audio.
Notch Harmonic Filtering: You can use these to quickly notch harmonics for a frequency you have
already selected.
Working/Not Working: This will allow you to quickly enabled/disable a
notch to verify it is working as intended.
Ratio: This will allow you to set a harmonic (Based on the frequency
selected by Notch 1). Quickly calculating the harmonic you want to set
a particular lter . For example if your Notch 1 is set to Fc of 250hz,
selecting a rating of 4 for notch 2 will set it to 1kHz Fc.
Balance: This is a Cross-Mix of Notch Filtered Audio and Bypassed Audio.
At the bottom of this slider you will only hear Bypassed Audio, at the top
you will hear only the notched audio. In the middle you will hear a mix of
50% audio from each.
Presets: Notch Filter Tab