Owner's Manual

Release: The release time determines how long the gain boost will remain
after the game sound returns to a normal level. A typical setting is 9
seconds, meaning that if the game returns to normal sound for longer than
9 seconds, the chat gain will return to 0dB. Measured in seconds.
Boost: Sets the amount of chat boost and ranges from 0dB (no boost) to
12dB (about a 4 times boost).
The equalizer modies the tone of the chat signal. The sliders will boost or cut
the designated frequencies by +/-12dB. The frequencies for each slider are:
100: 100Hz shelving lter
250: Provides a resonant boost or cut at 250Hz.
1000: Provides a resonant boost or cut at 1kHz
4000: Provides a resonant boost or cut at 4kHz
8000: 8kHz shelving lter
Chat HRTF allows you to pull the chat audio ‘outside’ your head, widening
the soundstage. Enabling this will give audio you hear from others a more 3D effect. By adjusting the
angle you can tweak the balance of the chat between your left and right ears.
Presets: Chat Tab