Owner's Manual

Mic Tab
Silencer: The Silencer noise gate eliminates background noise from being
picked up by the mic.
Attack: This is how quickly the audio will be passed through
after the level of the signal becomes louder than the set
threshold. Measured in milliseconds.
Release: This is how quickly the audio will shut off after the level of the
signal becomes quieter than the set threshold. Measured in milliseconds.
Threshold: This is the level that the audio needs to exceed for the audio to
be passed through the headset. Measured in dB.
To set the noise gate threshold, listen to the mic and turn up the threshold
until you no longer hear the room noise. Then speak into the mic at a
comfortable level and make sure the noise gate turns on, passing your
voice. If it seems that you have to speak too loudly, turn down the threshold
a bit so that you can eliminate room noise while still using a comfortable
speaking tone.
Voice Morph
Pitch Shift
This slider lets you change the pitch of your voice either up or down. Moving
the slider higher will make your voice sound higher-pitched, while moving it
lower will make it sound deeper. Double click the slider to make it jump to
the middle, where the pitch is not shifted.
This slider sets the balance between your normal voice and pitch shifted
voice. Moving the slider down passes more of your normal voice and moving
it up adds the pitch shift you’ve selected. If you place it in the middle, you’ll
get a 50/50 balance between normal and pitch shifted voice.
Presets: Mic Tab