Owner's Manual

Presets and Headset Architecture
There are three categories of presets (Global, Game, Chat) that combine to control all signal paths in
the headset. The illustration below shows the DSP signal ow and other system processing.
Noise Gates
A noise gate on each input of the three primary paths (Game, Chat, Mic) allows background noise to
be removed from that channel. Controlling the settings on these “Gates” allows for an experience with
very little background noise. For example, on the mic channel, the noise gate threshold may be set
to just above the room noise, so the microphone channel will only pass sound that is above the room
noise (such as the sound of your voice speaking into the mic). On the chat channel, the noise gate may
be set to just above the noise level of the Xbox controller, keeping the chat channel quiet unless voices
are detected from online players.
Preset Effects
The noise gates in each channel are followed by a signal processing section with audio modiers
that are specic to the channel. The parameters within these signal-processing sections comprise a
“preset”. These parameters can be edited using the Advanced Sound Editor software as described in
this user guide. The specics of these effects will be broken down in their respective sections later.
Voice Prompt Player/Tone Generator
A voice prompt or tone is triggered when certain events occur, such as pressing buttons, low
battery conditions, power on, power off, and so on. The voice prompt player output is mixed with the
channel outputs to create the master signal heard on the headset. You can change Voice Prompts by
downloading a new voice prompt le from the Turtle Beach web site. Headsets that use tones cannot
be updated to new tones.
Preset and Headset Architecture