Owner manual

Using Torpedo Wall of Sound
12 Comp
Using a compressor will reduce the dynamics of your sound, or control transients, or even to create
special effects, such as pumping. The parameters of the TORPEDO compressor are equivalent to a
standard studio compressor.
Compressor: Turn the compressor ON or OFF. When ON, you may visualize
on the bargraph the level of compression applied to the signal, in dB scale.
Threshold: Control the signal level above which compression occurs.
Ratio: Control the compression ratio.
Attack: Control the attack time, in milliseconds.
Release: Control the release time, in milliseconds.
Make-up Gain: Control the make-up gain added at the compressor’s output.
13 Setup
PRESETS: Determines the default Presets folder where to store the preset files.
This folder is valid for any instance of the plug-in.
IMPULSES: Determines the Impulses folder where third-party cabinet files (in
.wav and .aiff formats) and user files (.tur) are located for each instance of
the plug-in (see below how to add new cabinets). This setting is saved with
the current session of your plug-in host and you can save it with a Torpedo
Wall of Sound preset.
GUI SIZE: Changes the size of the graphical interface window, from S (small-
est size) to XL (biggest size), as best suits your screen’s resolution.
INFOS: Gives access to "About", "Hotkeys", "User’s manual", "Check for up-
dates" and "License info".
La Boutique: Launches the Two Notes online store. Read more about the
Boutique in the "Want more cabs?" section.
After the first installation of the Torpedo Wall of Sound, the default Presets folder is located in:
"Program Files/Two Notes Audio Engineering/Presets" on default Windows installation.
"/Library/Application Support/Two Notes Audio Engineering/Presets" on default MAC installation.
38 Two Notes Audio Engineering Torpedo Reload