Owner manual

2.3 Possible post-attenuation speaker combinations
Cabinet 1 impedance (Ohms) Cabinet 2 impedance (Ohms) Total impedance (Ohms)
Speaker output 1 Speaker output 2 (must be > 4 Ohms)
16 No cabinet 16
16 16 8
16 8 5,3
8 No cabinet 8
8 8 4
4 No cabinet 4
2.4 Minimal attenuation, maximal output power
Because of its electrical design, the Torpedo Reload applies a minimal attenuation to the incoming
power signal. That minimal attenuation is a function of the impedance you select at the input of the
product and the impedance of the cabinet you plugin the product’s Speaker Output.
This table covers the value of the minimal attenuation, depending of those parameters, for three
different input levels. The "Max Output Power" is the power the product can deliver (with the Speaker
potentiometer to its maximum before saturation), and "Min Attenuation" is the corresponding atten-
uation value.
The maximum power that the Torpedo Reload can deliver on its Speaker output is a function of
the power of the guitar amplifier which is generating the signal, but is also a function of that amp
impedance and the cabinet impedance. It is limited by the maximum output power rating of the
solid state amplifier embedded in the Torpedo Reload (70 W RMS under 4 Ohms, 50W RMS under 8
Ohms and 25 W RMS under 16 Ohms).
46 Two Notes Audio Engineering Torpedo Reload