Instruction Manual

Configuring and using TORPEDO VB-101
2 Input gain control
This encoder controls the input gain of the unit. The TORPEDO VB-101
being a digital product, it is absolutely critical that you avoid any sat-
uration of the input signal, or you may considerably reduce the sound
quality. The input gain consists in digital data, like all the parameters in
the TORPEDO VB-101, and it can either be set up globally or saved with
each preset. Please refer to section 5. 4.1 for more information about
the input gain configuration.
The input gain adjustment is based on what input signal is appearing at your selected input (ana-
log or digital). The "IN" notice in the upper right corner of the main screen indicates the current input
gain value. The input bargraph gives you a visual indication of the amplitude of the input signal.
For optimum sound quality, we recommend keeping the peak levels of
the input signal at a maximum of -12dB to -6dB on the bargraph.
If you need to apply a high level of input gain, it is probably because your input signal is too low.
Excessive input gain will reduce the signal-to-noise ratio and degrade the TORPEDO VB-101’s overall
If you notice a drop in sound volume and the screen is displaying "Gain Reduction" as you are
playing, it probably means that the "Safe Gain Adjustment" is activated. Report to section 5. 4 for
more information.
If you need to set the gain level below -35dB, it is probably because the
input signal coming from the amplifier is too high. You may encounter
distortion coming from the input stage of the TORPEDO VB-101. Please
lower the output volume on your amplifier.
28 Two Notes Audio Engineering Torpedo VB-101