User's Manual

MM-012099-001, Rev. B
8.28.1 Displays
The following will be displayed during the various states of data mode of operation:
Appears on top line of display when the radio is transmitting a data call.
Appears on top line of display when the radio is receiving a data call.
Appears on top line of display when the radio is in the data disabled state.
Appears for two seconds on top line of display when the radio is toggled to the data
enabled state.
8.28.2 DATA OFF Operation
The radio can be placed in the data disabled state by any of the following methods. When the data state is
disabled, DATA OFF appears on the top line of the display.
Declaring an emergency (not to be used unless an actual emergency condition exists). Alert tone will
Pressing Option Button 1 (if pre-programmed as “no data” key). Alert tone will sound.
Pressing the pre-programmed “no data” (ND) key. Refer to previous bullet.
8.28.3 DATA ON Operation
The data state is enabled by one of the following (depending on how it was disabled). DATA ON will
appear on the top line in the display for two seconds then the display will return to normal.
Pressing the pre-programmed “no data” (ND) key toggles data state ON or OFF.
Clearing an emergency. This is valid only if the emergency caused “DATA OFF” operation.
8.28.4 Exiting Data Cells
Under normal conditions, the radio enters the scan lockout mode and returns to the control channel after
completion of a data call (transmit or receive). If, during a data call, one of the following operations
occurs, the data call is immediately terminated and the radio performs the desired function:
If the PTT is activated.
If an Emergency is declared by pressing the pre-programmed emergency button.
If a group or system is changed.
8.28.5 Scan Lockout Mode
Following the transmission or reception of a data call, if scan is enabled, scanning will stop temporarily.
There are two independent pre-programmed times associated with this mode; one after a received data
call and one after a transmitted data call. During this time the scan indicator will flash to indicate that scan
is enabled but temporarily suspended. This condition typically returns to normal scan operation when the
pre-programmed time expires; however, the following operations and conditions will terminate the scan
lockout mode before the timeout has expired.
Press the button.
Press the PTT.
Change a group or system.