User's Manual

MM-012099-001, Rev. B
10.9.2 P5450 Model
1. Press to toggle scan OFF and verify is not displayed.
2. Select group or channel.
3. Press
once to remove group from the list.
4. Press
once to add as a normal group.
5. Press
twice to add as a Priority 2 group.
6. Press
three times to add as a Priority 1 group.
7. Press
to re-start scanning.
10.10 MENU
The Menu function accesses features that are not available directly from the keypad. The order and actual
menu items available is configurable through programming. Upon radio power up, the menu item that is
at the top of the menu list will always be displayed first. Subsequent access to the menu function will
return the last menu item that was shown in the display and cursor position.
1. To enter the menu mode, press
2. Upon entering the menu selection mode, Menu options will appear in the display (see Figure 10-8).
Figure 10-8: Menu Display
3. The radio will continue to receive and transmit normally while in the menu function.
4. To scroll through the menu options use the
or keys. When the required menu item has been
found align the cursor with the option then press
to select it. The menu item's parameter setting
shown in the display can now be changed by using
or to scroll through the list of parameter
5. Once the desired setting is reached press
to store the value and return the menu option selection
For menu items that display radio information, pressing
or will scroll through a list of
informational displays. Possible menu items are listed in Table 10-5.
10.10.1 Menu Item Selection Process
An example of the backlight menu item selection process and menu item parameter change is shown in
Figure 10-9.
1. Press
. The menu mode is entered.
2. Press
or until the display shows: