Users Manual

Operational description
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4 RF Topology
In general there are two different usecases
A) 1-to-10 / 10-to-1
A single module (master) is connected to a maximum of 10 modules (slaves).
Each slave has its own time slot in the protocol. This is the standard situation.
B) 1-op-X / X-op-1
A single module (master) is connected to more than 10 modules (slaves).
Multiple slaves can be set to the same time slot and the master UID is known to all slaves.
But because the slaves are set not to send empty packets (power saving option),
they will not disturb each other as long as they do not want to send messages themselves.
The master can send normal broadcasts that arrive to all slaves because the master UID is known to all slaves.
The slave UIDs are not known to the master, so it will be necessary for the slaves to use the master UID in the
messages they send back (with a flag that prevents other slaves from thinking this message is coming from the
If several slaves try to control at the same time, they can disturb each other. This will not be detected by the radio
module and it is up to the Tyro application itself to resend the message if it is lost.
Using the master UID as a slave should be a configuration option specifically for this mode.