
Tzumi Electronics LLC | 16 E 34th | 3rd Floor | NY, NY 10016
Before receiving warranty service, Tzumi’s customer service team require that you provide proof of purchase details
and actual photo of the product, respond to questions designed to assist with diagnosing potential issues and follow Tzumi’s
procedures for obtaining warranty service.
During warranty service, Tzumi might require to send your Tzumi product for testing. You are responsible for the cost of shipping,
while Tzumi will care for the repairing services.
Following warranty service your Tzumi Product or a replacement device will be send to you.
Important: Do not disassemble the Tzumi Product. Taking the Tzumi Product apart may cause damage that is not covered by
this Warranty.
If during the Warranty Period you submit a claim to Tzumi in accordance with this warranty, Tzumi will, at its option: (i)
repair the Tzumi Product using new or previously used parts that are equivalent to new in performance and reliability, (ii) replace
the Tzumi Product with the same model (or with your consent a product that has similar functionality) formed from new and/or
previously used parts that are equivalent to new in performance and reliability, or (iii) exchange the Tzumi Product for a refund
of your purchase price.
When Tzumi Product or part is replaced or a refund provided, any replacement item becomes your property and the replaced or
refunded item becomes Tzumi’s property.
Please contact Tzumi’s Customer Service team that will help determine whether your Tzumi Product requires service and, if it
does, will inform you how Tzumi will provide it.
Please contact Tzumi through the support site at www.tzumi.com/support. Once you complete all the details under the inquiry
form, a service ticket will open at Tzumi and a customer service representative will contact you back.
Tzumi will provide warranty service through email or over-the-phone service. Tzumi’s technical team will guide you through
testing and fixing your Tzumi Product.
When an applicable shipping costs is required, Tzumi will issue an invoice and send you a copy. Using Paypal, you will be able to
submit payment, which will be processed within 10 days.
Tzumi reserves the right to change the method by which Tzumi may provide warranty service to you, and your Tzumi Product’s
eligibility to receive a particular method of service. Service will be limited to the options available in the country where service is
requested. Service options, parts availability and response times may vary according to country. You may be responsible for
shipping and handling charges if the Tzumi Product cannot be serviced in the country it is in. If you seek service in a country that
is not the original country of purchase, you will comply with all applicable import and export laws and regulations and be
responsible for all custom duties, V.A.T. and other associated taxes and charges. Where international service is available, Tzumi
may repair or replace Tzumi Products and parts with comparable Tzumi Product and parts that comply with local standards.