User's Manual

2.2 Signals in J1 and J2 Connector
Maximum load on all In/Out is 3mA.
J1 &
Pin nr.
Pin Name Signal Name Signal
Type Description
1 VSS Ground Ground
2 VSS Ground Ground
3 VCC_5V Power 3.3V – 6V If only cB-0701-01 is used the
range 3.0V – 6.0V is allowed
4 VCC_5V Power 3.3V – 6V If only cB-0701-01 is used the
range 3.0V – 6.0V is allowed
5 RS232-CTS Clear To Send RS232 Input
6 RS232-TxD Transmit Data RS232 Output
7 RS232-RTS Request To Send RS232 Output
8 RS232-RxD Receive Data RS232 Input
9 RS232-DTR Data Terminal Ready RS232 Output
10 RS232-DSR Data Set Ready RS232 Input Also used to control the power
saving mode “stop mode”.
See chapter 2.4 for more
11 RED/Mode Red LED output and
Serial interface mode
select input
CMOS In/Out The level on this pin during
power up selects RS232 (High)
or logic (Low) level UART-
The Mode pin is only valid at
startup and cannot be changed
during operation.
The Mode pin is internally
pulled up i.e. RS232 mode is
the default setting.
Recommended value of the
pull-down resistor is 10 kohm.
See section 2.5 for a design
12 Switch-0 Function switch CMOS In Used for the Connect on
external signal” function, see
the Serial Port Adapter user
manual for more information on
the Function switch.
See section 2.5 for a design