Integration Manual

Utfärdare / Issued by Datum / Date Beteckning / Ref. Sida / Page
Andreas Nielsen 2009-01-15 cBProject-0901-09 7 (7)
Ärende / Subjekt Godkänd av / Approved by
Assemble Specification for cB-RBEPAi-02-0
Template update: 00-12-01
2.5 Application download
This step downloads the application firmware etc. to the unit.
Document name:
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Document Revision:
Application firmware:
Application Revision:
Time consumption [s]:
2.6 Production test
The test should be done when the test unit is completely assembled.
2.6.1 Test instructions
Document name:
Document number:
Document file:
Test software:
Test software rev:
Time consumption [s]:
2.6.2 Test report
Detected errors from the test phase are logged in a test report, the test report could be located at the
production company or the information is from the production company.
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