User's Manual Part 2

4.6: Master/Slave Handling Chapter 4: Configuration and Operation
join the wireless multidrop network. If configured as a client you must tell the Se-
rial Port Adapter which devices to connect to.
Exactly how to configure for Wireless Multidrop see Connection Establishment
Server and Connection Establishment Client.
Connection Establishment Server
In AT mode, use the Write_Default_Server_Profile command to select what pro-
file to use when acting as a server.
If you want to use the Wireless Multidrop feature and allow several devices to
simultaneously connect to your device you must enable Wireless Multidrop using
the Write_Wireless_Multidrop_Configuration command. In addition, the Serial
Port Adapter must be configured to perform a master/slave switch every time a de-
vice connects to it. This is done using the Write_MasterSlaveRole_Policy com-
After configuring the Serial Port Adapter for server operation, move to data mode.
Connection Establishment Client
For clients there are two methods that can be used to create connections to a re-
mote device:
1. Establish the connection in AT mode using the Con-
nect_To_Serial_Service_Data_Mode command. Then move to data mode and
utilize the connection as a transparent data mode connection. It is possible to
utilize the Wireless Multidrop feature and connect to several devices. Note
that Wireless Multidrop must be enabled to be able to connect to more than
one device.
2. Configure the Serial Port Adapter in AT mode then move to data mode.
a. Select the number of devices to connect to using the
Write_No_Of_Remote_Peers command. Select 1 for point-to-point
operation and more than 1 for Wireless Multidrop operation. Note
that Wireless Multidrop must be enabled to be able to use a value
higher than 1. The maximum number of remote peers can be deter-
mined by calling the Read_Max_No_Of_Remote_Peers command.
b. Select what device(s) to communicate with using the
Write_Default_Remote_Peer command.
c. Then use the Write_Default_Client_Profile command to select what
profile to use when connecting to the selected default remote peer.
d. Finally move to data mode and send data. The Serial Port Adapter will
connect to the selected remote peer(s) using the selected profile ac-
cording to the connect scheme setting (connect on data, always con-
nected or connect on external signal).
Specify zero number of remote peers using the Write_No_Of_Remote_Peers
command if you do not want to act as a client.
4.6 Master/Slave Handling
When a device communicates with several other devices it is called the master. The
other devices are called slaves.