User's Manual Part 2

11.4: Data Mode Commands Chapter 11: AT Commands Reference
Close_Serial_Connection_Data_Mode (AT*ADCC=)
AT Command Description
AT*ADCC=<connection_handle><CR> Close an existing data mode connection.
Type Value
connection_handle integer The connection handle identifies the connection.
Responses Description
<CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Read_Default_Client_Profile (AT*ADDCP?)
AT Command Description
AT*ADDCP?<CR> This command reads the default client profile. The default client
profile is the profile that the Serial Port Adapter uses when it
establishes a connection, in data mode, to the default remote
Responses Description
<CR><LF>*ADDCP:<role_and_profile><CR><LF>OK<CR><LF> Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Type Value
role_and_profile enumerator 0: DevB role, Serial Port Profile
1: Gateway role, Dial-Up Networking Profile
2: LAN Access Point role, LAN Access Profile
255: No profile (default value)
Write_Default_Client_Profile (AT*ADDCP=)
AT Command Description
This command reads the default client profile. The de-
fault client profile is the profile that the Serial Port
Adapter uses when it establishes a connection, in data
mode, to the default remote peer(s).
Command Pa-
Type Value
role_and_profile enumerator 0: DevB role, Serial Port Profile
1: Gateway role, Dial-Up Networking Profile
2: LAN Access Point role, LAN Access Profile
255: No profile (default value)