User's Manual Part 2

11.4: Data Mode Commands Chapter 11: AT Commands Reference
AT*ADRDRP=< peer_id ><CR>
This command reads the Bluetooth device address and
device name of the selected default remote peer (peer id).
Type Value
peer_id integer The peer ID can be between 0 and the value
written by the Write_No_Of_Peers command –1
or read by the Read_No_Of_Peers command –1.
Responses Description
<update_remote_peer_on_incoming>, <de-
Successful response.
<CR><LF>ERROR<CR><LF> Error response.
Response Pa-
Type Value
bd_addr Bd_Addr Bluetooth device address of the default remote
connect_scheme integer This parameter is a bit field. Bit 0 is the least
significant bit. Each bit is defined as follows:
Bit 0: Try to connect to default remote peer on
data traffic.
Bit 1: Always try to be connected to the default
remote peer when in data mode.
Bit 2: Try to connect to default remote peer on
external signal. The external signal is imple-
mentation specific, e.g. some Serial Port Adapt-
ers might have a button.
Bit 3: On reset, try to connect to a device with
the name given by the <device_name> parame-
ter. The <device_name> may specify a part of,
or the full name of the remote device. The SPA
will at reset perform an inquiry followed by
name requests on devices found during inquiry
until a matching device is found. If no matching
device is found the SPA will stop this procedure
and operate as normal. If a matching device is
found, the SPA will try to connect to this device.
If no matching device is found, this is seen as
an LED error indication.
Bit 4-7: Reserved for future use.
enumerator 1: Every time a remote device connects to the
selected DefaultServerProfile, update the re-
mote peer device address to the device address
of the connecting device. The new remote peer
device address will be stored in the startup
database. Only one of all the remote peers can
use this feature.
0: Do not update the remote peer device ad-
dress on incoming connections.
device_name string Maximum 240 characters.
Write_Default_Remote_Peer (AT*ADWDRP=)
AT Command Description
peer id
bd addr
uetooth device a