Integration Manual

Version 0.94 - 2006-09 18
2.4 Hardware Reset
A hardware reset input is available on the J1 and J3 connectors (see section 2.1). An exter-
nal reset source must be open drain or collector. The RESET pin is pulled-up internally with
See example in A.2.2
2.5 Power Control
The CB-OWLAN211b module can be put in one of four power modes.
Active mode – no power saving is done.
Sleep mode – power saving. The module is held in low power mode and only listens
and responds to beacons.
Powers save mode – Maximum power save. The device is incapable of transmitting
or receiving data.
Reset mode – The RESET pin is held down. As long as the RESET pin is held low
the internal power regulators are shut off. This will ensure maximum power save.