User's Manual Part 2

2-33Operating Your Tablet Computer
No. Item Description
2 Expanded Photo Menu
Aspect Ratio and
Sets the aspect ratio and resolution.
See “To set the aspect ratio and resolution”
on page 2-34.
Storage Location
Sets either Internal Memory or External
Memory to save captured photos or videos.
Enables or disables focus.
Image Review
Congures the image review options. See “To
preview photos” on page 2-35.
Image Tagging
Adds date or GPS tags to captured photos.
See “To add date and time on photos” on
page 2-36 and “To tag photos with GPS” on
page 2-37.
App Settings
Congures the camera orientation, sound
setting, and lename prex. See “Managing
Camera Application Settings” on page 2-42.
3 Submenu Options Displays the options of a tapped menu. Tap
an option to select it.
To set the white balance
1. In Photo or Video mode, tap > .
2. Tap the one of the following options:
Auto: Allows the camera to set the white balance automatically.
Sunny: Select this option when capturing outdoor photos.
Incandescent: Select this option when capturing indoor photos.
Fluorescent: Select this option when capturing photos under
uorescent lighting.