User's Manual

TOBY-R2 series - System Integration Manual
UBX-16010572 - R04 System description
Page 30 of 147
1.6.2 Module power-off
TOBY-R2 series can be properly switched off by:
AT+CPWROFF command (see u-blox AT Commands Manual [2]). The current parameter settings are saved in
the module’s non-volatile memory and a proper network detach is performed.
Low pulse on the PWR_ON pin, which is normally set high by an internal pull-up, for a valid time period (see
TOBY-R2 series Data Sheet [1]): the modules start the internal switch-off sequence when the external
application releases the PWR_ON line from the low logic level, after that it has been set low for a proper
time period.
An abrupt under-voltage shutdown occurs on TOBY-R2 series modules when the VCC module supply is
removed. If this occurs, it is not possible to perform the storing of the current parameter settings in the module’s
non-volatile memory or to perform the proper network detach.
It is highly recommended to avoid an abrupt removal of the VCC supply during TOBY-R2 series modules
normal operations: the switch off procedure must be started by the AT+CPWROFF command, waiting the
command response for a proper time period (see u-blox AT Commands Manual [2]), and then a proper
VCC supply has to be held at least until the end of the modules’ internal switch off sequence, which
occurs when the generic digital interfaces supply output (V_INT) is switched off by the module.
An abrupt hardware shutdown occurs on TOBY-R2 series modules when a low level is applied on RESET_N pin.
In this case, the current parameter settings are not saved in the module’s non-volatile memory and a proper
network detach is not performed.
It is highly recommended to avoid an abrupt hardware shutdown of the module by forcing a low level on
the RESET_N input pin during module normal operation: the RESET_N line should be set low only if reset
or shutdown via AT commands fails or if the module does not reply to a specific AT command after a time
period longer than the one defined in the u-blox AT Commands Manual [2].
An over-temperature or an under-temperature shutdown occurs on TOBY-R2 series modules when the
temperature measured within the cellular module reaches the dangerous area, if the optional Smart
Temperature Supervisor feature is enabled and configured by the dedicated AT command. For more details see
section 1.14.15 and u-blox AT Commands Manual [2], +USTS AT command.