Integration Manual

JODY-W3 series - System integration manual
UBX-19011209 - R07 Regulatory compliance Page 62 of 71
In case, where the final product will be installed in locations where the end-consumer is unable to see
the FCC/ISED ID and/or this statement, the FCC/ISED ID and the statement shall also be included in
the end-product manual.
5.3 CE End-product regulatory compliance
5.3.1 Safety standard
In order to fulfill the safety standard EN 60950-1 [8], the JODY-W3 module must be supplied with a
Class-2 Limited Power Source.
5.3.2 CE Equipment classes
In accordance with Article 1 of Commission Decision 2000/299/EC
, JODY-W3 is defined as either
Class-1 or Class-2 radio equipment, the end-product integrating JODY-W3 inherits the equipment
class of the module.
Guidance on end product marking, according to the RED can be found at:
The restrictions while operating the JODY-W3 in Wi-Fi mode in the European countries are
shown in section “European Union regulatory compliance” of the JODY-W3 data sheet [1].
The EIRP of the JODY-W3 module must not exceed the limits of the regulatory domain that the
module operates in. Depending on the host platform’s implementation and antenna gain,
integrators have to limit the maximum output power of the module through the host software.
Refer to the JODY-W3 data sheet [1] for the module’s approved antennas list and corresponding
maximum transmit power levels.
5.4 Pre-approved antennas
This section lists the different external antennas that are pre-approved for use with MAYA-W1 series
5.4.1 Wi-Fi / Bluetooth dual band antennas
For Bluetooth and Wi-Fi operation in the 2.4 GHz band and Wi-Fi operation in the 5 GHz band MAYA-
W1 has been tested and approved for use with the dual-band antennas shown in Table 34.
Part Number
Antenna type
Peak gain [dBi]
regulatory domain
2.4 GHz band
5 GHz band
Dual-band dipole antenna
Table 34: List of approved dual-band antennas
Important: To be compliant to FCC §15.407(a) the EIRP is not allowed to exceed 125 mW
(21 dBm) at any elevation angle above 30° (measured from the horizon) when operated as an
outdoor access point in U-NII-1 band, 5.150-5.250 GHz.
5.4.2 Bluetooth antennas
The single band antennas tested and approved for Bluetooth transmission with MAYA-W1 are shown
in Table 35.
Part number
Antenna type
Peak gain [dBi]
2.4 GHz band
Validated regulatory
2000/299/EC: Commission Decision of 6 April 2000 establishing the initial classification of radio equipment and
telecommunications terminal equipment and associated identifiers.
Commented [MZ109]: Added antennas used for
MAYA-W1 certification. For other modules we have
this info in the data sheet. Not sure if has been
decided to move it to the SIM
Commented [CT110R109]: ROLLOVER (TBD)
Formatted: Normal Document Reference