Integration Manual

JODY-W3 series - System integration manual
UBX-19011209 - R07 System description Page 8 of 71
General status
Power state
Deep sleep
Used in power save modes.
Table 2: Description for Wi-Fi power states
1.2 Pin configuration and function
1.2.1 Pin attributes
Function: Pin function
Pin name: Name of the package pin or terminal
Pin number: Package pin numbers associated with each signal
Power: Voltage domain that powers the pin
Type: Signal type description:
o I = Input
o O = Output
o I/O = Input and Output
o D = Open drain
o DS = Differential
o PWR = Power
o GND = Ground
o PU = Internal Pull-Up
o PD = Internal Pull-Down
o H = High-impedance pin
o RF = Radio interface
Description: Pin description and notes, including alternate pin functions
Active: Pin state in Active mode
Power down: Pin state in Power Down mode