User's Manual

LISA-U1/LISA-H1 series - System Integration Manual
3G.G2-HW-10002-2 Advance Information Appendix
Page 111 of 116
Figure 62: In-Band modem diagram flow
In-band modem allows the fast and reliable transmission of vehicle Minimum Set of Data (MSD - 140 bytes) and
the establishment of a voice emergency call using the same physical channel (voice channel) without any
modifications of the existing cellular network architecture.
In-Band modem is a mandatory feature to meet the eCall requirements and to develop in vehicle devices fully
supporting eCall.
The in-Band modem functionality is delivered upon request.
A.9 Smart temperature supervision
An internal sensor is used to constantly monitor the board temperature of the LISA-U1/LISA-H1 series modules.
The measured value is compared with the internally predefined thresholds and it proceeds accordingly.
A warning notification is reported by the module when the temperature value is still inside the valid range (i.e.
the module is still in a valid and good working condition) but it is close to the limit (upper or lower).
A shutdown is notified and automatically forced by the module when the temperature value is outside the
specified range (i.e. the module is in a dangerous working condition). For security reasons the shutdown is
suspended in case of emergency call in progress: in this case the device will switch off at call termination.
The Smart Temperature Supervisor feature can be enabled or disabled through an AT command (for more details
please to u-blox AT commands manual [2], +USTS AT command). If the feature is disabled there is no embedded
protection against not allowed temperature working conditions.
The sensor measures board temperature inside the shields, which can differ from ambient temperature.