User's Manual

LISA-U1/LISA-H1 series - System Integration Manual
3G.G2-HW-10002-2 Advance Information System description
Page 29 of 116
normally used to set the wake-up interval during idle-mode periods between network paging, but is able to
provide programmable alarm functions by means of the internal 32.768 kHz clock.
The RTC can be supplied from an external back-up battery through the V_BCKP, when the main voltage supply
is not provided to the module through VCC. This lets the time reference (date and time) run even when the main
supply is not provided to the module. Consider that the module cannot switch on if a valid voltage is not present
on VCC even when the RTC is supplied through V_BCKP (meaning that VCC is mandatory to switch-on the
The RTC has very low power consumption, but is highly temperature dependent. For example at 25°C and a
V_BCKP voltage of 2.3 V the power consumption is approximately 2 µA, whereas at 70°C and an equal voltage
the power consumption increases to 5-10 µA.
The internal regulator for V_BCKP is optimized for low leakage current and very light loads. It is not
recommended to use V_BCKP to supply external loads.
If V_BCKP is left unconnected and the module main voltage supply is removed from VCC, the RTC is supplied
from the 100 nF capacitor mounted inside the module. However, this capacitor is not able to provide a long
buffering time: within few milliseconds the voltage on V_BCKP will go below the valid range (1 V min). At this
time the internal RTC will stop counting and the date and time setting will be lost. This has no impact on
wireless connectivity, as all the functionalities of the module do not rely on the date and time setting.
Leave V_BCKP unconnected if the RTC is not required when the VCC supply is removed. The date and
time will not be updated when VCC is disconnected. If VCC is always supplied, then the internal
regulator is supplied from the main supply and there is no need for an external component on V_BCKP.
If RTC is required to run for a time interval of T [s] at 25°C when VCC supply is removed, place a capacitor with a
nominal capacitance of C [µF] at the V_BCKP pin. Choose the capacitor using the following formula:
C [µF] = (Current_Consumption [µA] x T [s]) / Voltage_Drop [V] = 1.538 x T [s]
The RTC current consumption is approximately 2 µA at 25°C, and the voltage drop is equal to 1.3 V (from the
V_BCKP typical value of 2.3 V to the valid range minimum limit of 1.0 V).
For example, a 100 µF capacitor (such as the Murata GRM43SR60J107M) can be placed at V_BCKP to provide a
long buffering time. This capacitor will hold V_BCKP voltage within its valid range for around 50 s at 25°C, after
the VCC supply is removed. If a very long buffering time is required, a 70 mF super-capacitor (e.g. Seiko
Instruments XH414H-IV01E) can be placed at V_BCKP, with a 4.7 k series resistor to hold the V_BCKP voltage
within its valid range for approximately 10 hours at 25°C, after the VCC supply is removed. The purpose of the
series resistor is to limit the capacitor charging current due to the large capacitor specifications, and also to let a
fast rise time of the voltage value at the V_BCKP pin after VCC supply has been provided. These capacitors will
allow the time reference to run during battery disconnection.
2.3 V
Figure 15: Real time clock supply (V_BCKP) application circuits : (a) using a 100 µF capacitor to let the RTC run for ~50 s at 25°C;
(b) using a 70 mF capacitor to let the RTC run for ~10 hours at 25°C when the VCC supply is removed; (c) using non-rechargeable