Installation Instructions

LISA-U2 series - System Integration Manual
UBX-13001118 - R19 Early Production Information Design-In
Page 123 of 175
DDC (SCL, SDA): the DDC interface requires the same consideration regarding electro-magnetic
interference as the SIM card. Keep the traces short and avoid coupling with RF line or sensitive analog inputs
UART (TXD, RXD, CTS, RTS, DSR, RI, DCD, DTR): the serial interface requires the same consideration
regarding electro-magnetic interference as the SIM card. Keep the traces short and avoid coupling with RF
line or sensitive analog inputs
General Purpose I/O (GPIOx): the general purpose input/output pins are generally not critical for layout
Reserved pins: these pins are reserved for future use. Leave them unconnected on the baseboard
USB detection (VUSB_DET): this input will generate an interrupt to the baseband processor for USB
detection. The USB supply (5.0 V typ.) must be provided to VUSB_DET by the connected USB host to enable
the USB interface of the module
Interfaces Supply (V_INT): this supply output is generated by an integrated switching step down
converter, used internally to supply the digital interfaces. Because of this, it can be a source of noise: avoid
coupling with sensitive signals