Installation Instructions

LISA-U2 series - System Integration Manual
UBX-13001118 - R19 Early Production Information Product Testing
Page 160 of 175
To avoid module damage during transmitter test when good antenna termination is not
guaranteed, use a low Power Control Level (i.e. PCL lower or equal to 15). u-blox assumes no
responsibilities for module damaging caused by an inappropriate use of this feature.
2. Trigger TX GMSK burst at maximum PCL:
o To check if the power supply is correctly assembled and is able to deliver the required current
3. Trigger TX GMSK and 8PSK burst and WCDMA signal:
o To measure current consumption
o To check if module components was damaged during soldering process or during handling (ESD,
mechanical shock…)
4. Trigger RX measurement:
o To test receiver signal level. Assuming that there are no losses between ANT pin or ANT_DIV pin
and input power source, be aware that the power level estimated by the module can vary
approximately within 3GPP tolerances for the average value
o To check if module was damaged during soldering process or during handling (ESD, mechanical
5. Trigger TX GMSK and 8PSK burst and WCDMA signal and RX measurement to check:
o Overall RF performance of the device including antenna measuring TX and RX power levels