Product Guide

36” Glass Door Refrigerator / Clear Ice Machine
A 3018RGL Glass Door Refrigerator with a 3018CLR Clear
Ice Machine is the perfect combination for entertaining
friends and family.
36” Wine Captain
Model / Solid Door Refrigerator
The perfect centerpiece of any kitchen is a 3018WC
Wine Captain
Model matched with a 3018R Solid Door
36” Wine Captain
Model / Clear Ice Machine
Combine a 3018WC Wine Captain
Model when it’s time
to uncork that perfect cabernet with a 3018CLR Clear
Ice Machine for cocktail hour.
36” Glass Door Refrigerator / Solid Door Refrigerator
Pair a 3018RGL Glass Door Refrigerator with a 3018R
Solid Door Refrigerator for the best of both worlds.
36” Solid Door Refrigerator / Clear Ice Machine
A 3018R Solid Door Refrigerator is a perfect companion
to a 3018CLR Clear Ice Machine.
Installed: 36” Custom Model (3018WCINT & 3018CLRINT with Ice Flange Kit)