Product Guide

Mode Range: 45°F - 55°F
Set point: 50°F
Perfect for: All white wine
You may choose to preserve
fuller-bodied or oaked white
wines at about 50°F degrees,
whereas medium to light-bodied
whites may be better kept at a
matter your preference, the
White Wine mode ensures your
next glass of wine is perfectly
Mode Range: 55°F - 65°F
Set point: 55°F
Perfect for: All red wine
Whether your tastes skew in
favor of full-bodied intense
reds, medium-bodied reds,
or more toward the lighter
fruity red wines, use the Red
Wine mode to ensure you
retain the delicious fullness
Mode Range: 38°F - 50°F
Set point: 45°F
Perfect for: Sparkling wines,
Champagne, Prosecco, Cuvée,
and other sparkling wines
are best stored at a low
too cold, and they lose their
Sparkling Wine mode to extend
the preservation of the bottles
White Wine Red WineSparkling Wine
Preservation: Beyond Refrigeration
Control Wine Modes
Modular 3000 Series