User Manual

activate or de-activate the entry. An entry can be changed by clicking the Edit icon or can be
deleted by clicking the Delete icon. When you click the Edit icon, the item is highlighted, and
the "Edit Virtual Servers" section is activated for editing.
Note: You might have trouble accessing a virtual server using its public identity (WAN-side IP-address
of the gateway or its dynamic DNS name) from a machine on the LAN. Your requests may not be
looped back or you may be redirected to the "Forbidden" page.
This will happen if you have an Access Control Rule configured for this LAN machine.
The requests from the LAN machine will not be looped back if Internet access is blocked at the time of
access. To work around this problem, access the LAN machine using its LAN-side identity.
Requests may be redirected to the "Forbidden" page if web access for the LAN machine is restricted by
an Access Control Rule. Add the WAN-side identity (WAN-side IP-address of the router or its dynamic
DNS name) on the Advanced
Web Filter
screen to work around this problem.