User Manual

Create a name for the rule that is meaningful to you.
The priority of the message flow is entered here -- 0 receives the highest priority (most urgent)
and 255 receives the lowest priority (least urgent).
The protocol used by the messages.
Local IP Range
The rule applies to a flow of messages whose LAN-side IP address falls within the range set
Local Port Range
The rule applies to a flow of messages whose LAN-side port number is within the range set
Remote IP Range
The rule applies to a flow of messages whose WAN-side IP address falls within the range set
Remote Port Range
The rule applies to a flow of messages whose WAN-side port number is within the range set
Record the changes you have made into the following list.
Re-initialize this area of the screen, discarding any changes you have made.
StreamEngine Rules
This section lists all the defined StreamEngine Rules. Click the Enable checkbox at the left to
directly activate or de-activate the entry. An entry can be changed by clicking the Edit icon or
can be deleted by clicking the Delete icon. When you click the Edit icon, the item is highlighted,
and the "Edit StreamEngine Rule" section is activated for editing.