User's Manual

Ubisense – Ultra-wideband In-Building Location System – Ubitag V1.0
Leave the Ubitag unpowered for 30 seconds, then insert two fresh batteries into the retainers,
observing the polarity marked on the battery and the retainers:
When both batteries have been replaced, the Ubitag will bleep once and flash its LEDs to indicate
correct start-up, and the Ubisense In-Building Location System will then be able to determine the
Ubitag’s location. Replace the back of the Ubitag and tighten the four screws removed previously
to complete reassembly of the device.
Should the Ubitag not bleep and flash its LEDs to indicate correct start-up after the batteries have
been replaced, remove the batteries, check that they are fresh, wait for 30 seconds, and reinsert
the batteries. Contact your system administrator if you continue to have problems replacing the
batteries in the Ubitag.
Using the mounting cord option
In some applications it may be advantageous to mount the Ubitag using a cord. The top panel of
the Ubitag case has two slots to facilitate the use of a mounting cord. To insert the cord, remove
the back panel of the Ubitag by undoing the retaining screws (as shown above in the section
‘Replacing the batteries in the Ubitag’) and insert the mounting cord as shown in the photograph
below. Replace the back of the Ubitag and tighten the four screws removed previously to
complete reassembly of the device.
To remove the mounting cord, undo the retaining screws on the back panel of the Ubitag (as
shown above in the section ‘Replacing the batteries in the Ubitag’), remove the panel, and detach
the mounting cord. Replace the back of the Ubitag and tighten the four screws removed
previously to complete reassembly of the device.