User's Manual Part 1

CL1TC-4 400W DVB-H Transmitter Commissioning and Operation
Product Manual, Rev. 1 37
5 Commissioning and Operation
5.1 Introduction
his section outlines the installation inspection, initial on-site turn on procedure and
addresses the process for monitoring and control of the CL1TC-4 Transmitter. It also
provides a description of control interfaces and indicators for the transmitter.
5.2 Installation Verification
Before the transmitter can be turned on
, the installation must be completed. Please check
the following to ensure all interconnections have been made correctly:
Verify that no equipment was damaged during the installation.
Verify that the ground conductor and Mains AC power cables have been connected to
the transmitter cabinet.
Verify that all cabinet sub-assemblies have been installed correctly and that the
following connections have been made:
o Factory installed cables are connected to the modulator.
o Factory installed cables are connected to the high power amplifier.
o GPS antenna is connected to the modulator GPS input.
o Transport stream is connected to the modulator ASI or GbE inputs.
o Ethernet (WAN or LAN) cable is connected to the modulator Ethernet connector.
Verify that the high power amplifier RF output is connected to the customer installed
band pass filter and that all connections are tight.
Verify that the RF transmission line and broadcast antenna have been swept.
Verify that the band pass filter is connected to the broadcast antenna (or terminated
into a high power load) and that all connections are tight.
Initial On-Site Turn-on Procedure
ce the CL1TC-4 transmitter is installed and all input, output and AC connections are
made, the system is ready for the initial on-site turn on. Ensure that the output of the
transmitter is connected to a transmission line feeding a broadcast antenna before
proceeding with the turn on.
5.3.1 Transmitter AC Power-up Procedure
1. Sw
itch on the Mains AC circuit breaker located in the building service panel.
2. Switch on the Mains AC circuit breaker located in cabinet breaker panel 1.
3. Switch on the air conditioner circuit breaker located in cabinet breaker panel 1.
4. Switch on the cabinet breaker panel 2 circuit breaker located in cabinet breaker
panel 1.
5. Switch on the 110 VAC receptacle circuit breaker located in cabinet breaker panel 2.