User's Manual

Innovator CU0TD-1/CU0RD-1 – CU4TD/CU4RD Introduction
ATSC Transmitter/Regenerative Translator
Instruction Manual, Rev. 1 1
Manual Overview
This manual contains the description of the Innovator CU0TD-1/CU0RD-1 –
CU4TD/CU4RD Transmitter/Regenerative Translator and the circuit descriptions of the
boards, which make up the system. The manual also describes the installation, setup
and alignment procedures for the system. Appendix A of this manual contains the
system level drawings for the Innovator CU0TD-1/CU0RD-1 – CU4TD/CU4RD ATSC
Transmitter/Regenerative Translator System that was purchased. NOTES: Information
and drawings on the Axciter Digital Modulator, if part of your system, are contained in
the separate Axciter Instruction Manual. Information and drawings on the Universal
Modulator Drawer and Adaptive Precorrector Drawer, if part of your system, are
contained in the separate Universal Modulator Drawer and Adaptive Precorrector Drawer
Instruction Manuals. If your system contains dual exciters with a remote interface panel
and Exciter control panel, information and drawings on the system and panels are
contained in the separate remote interface panel instruction manual. Information on the
K-Tech Receiver or Signal Converter, if part of your system, is contained in the separate
manufacturers supplied manuals.
Axcera Numbering System Explanation
The Axcera numbering system is explained as follows. The following example is for a
CU0TC-3 Transmitter system.
C – CX Series
U – UHF Frequency Band
0 or X - Number of external Power Amplifier drawers
T - Transmitter, L - Echo cancelling repeater, R - Regenerative translator
C - COFDM (DVB-T/H/T2), I - ISDB-T, D - ATSC, No letter or blank means analog.
-3 = 50W or (861 devices), -2 = 30W or (861 devices with smaller power supply), -1 =
3W or 5W depending on the modulation. -4 = 888A. For ATSC there is also a -5 at
150W output but it is the same as the -4.
The following example is for a power amplifier drawer CUBP888A-4.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | - | 6 | - | 7 |
C U B P 888A - 4
Position Chars Description
1 1 Transmitter Line (C=CX, 6=6X, H=HX)
2 1 or 2 Frequency Band (U=UHF, HV=HB VHF, LV=LB VHF, etc.)
3 1 Version (ex. A-line, B-line, etc. - typically matches
transmitter model version)
4 1 Use (E=Exciter/Driver, P=PA)
5 up to 4 Transistor number (might need to abbreviate)
6 1 or 2 Number of transistors in final output stage
7 up to 4 Additional field to include other important info
(ex. distinguish bet single or N+1 supplies, or other things
not covered in the number
CUBP888A-4: Line C, Frequency UHF, Version B, Use PA, Transistor Number
888A, number of transistors in final output stage 4.