User's Manual

350-Watt Digital VHF LB Transmitter Chapter 3, Installation and Setup Procedure
DT325B, Rev. 0 3-9
Display Menu Screens for the Driver/Amplifier Chassis Assembly
Table 3-2: Menu 01 - Splash Screen #1
This is the first of the two transmitter splash screens that is shown for the first few
seconds after reset or after pushing the SPL button on the Main Screen. This screen will
automatically switch to the second splash screen.
Table 3-3: Menu 02- Splash Screen #2
This is the second of the two transmitter splash screens. This screen will automatically
switch to the Main Screen. The Model Number, Code Version Number and Firmware
Number for your system are displayed on this screen. Make note of these two numbers
when conferring with Axcera on software problems.
Table 3-4: Menu 10 - Main Screen:
This is the default main screen of the transmitter. When the transmitter is in
Standby, the 'OPR' characters appear in the lower right. By pushing the right most
button located under the display, the operator will place the Transmitter in Operate.
When the transmitter is in Operate the 'SBY' characters are displayed, the “OFF” is
replaced with 'ON' and the forward power values are displayed. Pushing the SPL button
will display the two splash screens.
If the key is activated the display changes to Menu 11, the System Error List Access
Screen. If the key is activated the display changes to Menu 13, the Transmitter
Configurations Access Screen.
Table 3-5: Menu 11 - Error List Access Screen
This screen of the transmitter shows the current number of errors, displayed in upper,
right of screen (0), and provides operator access to view Menu 20, the error list screens,
by pushing the ENT button. When ENT is pushed, Menu 20, the Error List Display
Screen is displayed. If the key is pushed the display changes to Menu 12, Table 3-6,
the Transmitter Device Data Access Screen. If the key is activated the display returns
to Menu 10, the Main Screen.