User's Manual

300-Watt Digital UHF Transmitter Chapter 4, Circuit Descriptions
DT830A, Rev. 1 4-26
J4-2. U3 has a very high input impedance
that makes the IC less sensitive to
changes in the video level. Diode CR4
provides temperature compensation for
diode CR3. An input signal level of
approximately +17 dBm is enough to
give a 1-VDC level at the output of U1B.
The +12 VDC needed for the operation of
U1 IC on the board is generated from the
+28 VDC which enters at J4, pin 7. The
+28 VDC is fed to U2, a voltage regulator
IC, which produces +12 VDC at its output
that is connected to the U1 IC.
4.3.8 Dual Stage Amplifier
Assembly, Class AB; Appendix D)
The dual stage UHF amplifier assembly,
Class AB is made using a generic dual
stage amplifier board, class AB (1265-
1404). The board uses two PTB20101
Ericsson transistors in parallel-biased
class AB to amplify the signal by
approximately +9 dB. Bias adjust R106
sets the idling current for Q101 at 300
mA and bias adjust R206 sets the idling
current for Q201 at 300 mA. Each dual
amplifier device is mounted in identical
parallel circuits. These devices may be
biased up to 600 mA depending on the
linearity of the tray. Input Description
The input signal from J1 on the dual
stage amplifier assembly connects to E1
on the board. The signal is split in a 2-
way wilkinson splitter, using R1, which
provides two equal inputs, one to each
identical amplifier side. Q101 and Associated Circuitry
One of the outputs of the splitter is
applied through an AC coupling and DC
blocking capacitor (C101 to L101) and
associated circuitry. This forms a balun
that converts the input signal from a 50-
unbalanced impedance to a 12.5-
balanced impedance configuration. C106
and C105, which are adjusted for peak
output, are for impedance matching to
the input of the parallel transistors
making up Q101.
The bias voltage to the bases of the
paralleled transistors in Q101 is applied
at E101. The transistors are protected
from overvoltage by Q102, Q103, R104,
R105, and R106, which can be adjusted
to set the bias, operating currents of the
transistors. The base voltage is RF
bypassed by C129, C102, C107, C108,
C109, and C110 and applied to the bases
through R102 and R103.
The collectors are impedance matched to
12.5 by C116, C120, C122, C123, and
C119, which can be adjusted for peak
output with best linearity and lowest
current. C125 provides AC coupling and
DC blocking for the output signal to the
combiner. L102 and associated circuitry
form a balun that transforms the signal
back to an unbalanced 50- impedance
The collector voltage is applied at E101.
The collector voltage is connected
through R108 to the collectors on the two
devices that make up Q101. R106 can be
adjusted to set up the operating
currents. The collector circuit is RF
bypassed by C112 to C115, C117, C118,
C121, C124, C130, and C131. Q201 and Associated Circuitry
The other output of the splitter is applied
through an AC coupling and DC blocking
capacitor (C201 to L201) and associated
circuitry. This forms a balun that
converts the input signal from a 50-
unbalanced impedance to a 12.5-
balanced impedance configuration. C206
and C205, which can be adjusted for
peak output, are for impedance matching
to the input of the parallel transistors
The bias voltage to the bases of the
paralleled transistors, Q201, is applied at
E201. The transistors are protected from
overvoltage by Q202, Q203, R204, R205,
and R206, which can be adjusted to set