User's Manual

Digital UHF Transmitter Chapter 4, Circuit Descriptions
DT835A, Rev. 1 4-32
transistors in parallel and operating
Class A, which amplify the signal by
approximately +11 dB. Bias adjust pot
R6 sets the operating current for Q1.
Q1 and Associated Circuitry
The RF input signal connects to SMA
jack J1 on the board. The RF input is
applied through AC coupling and DC
blocking capacitor C1 to L1 and
associated circuitry. This forms a balun
that converts the input signal from a
50- unbalanced impedance to a 12.5-
balanced impedance configuration
with the two outputs. These outputs
are applied to the bases of Q1 and are
180° out of phase with each other. C3,
C4, C6, and C5, which are adjusted for
peak output, are for impedance
matching to the input of the parallel
transistors that make up Q1. The base
circuit is RF bypassed by C2, C7, C17,
and C29.
The collectors are impedance matched
to 12.5 by C22, C23, and C19, which
are adjusted for peak output with the
best linearity. C25 provides AC coupling
and DC blocking for the output signal to
SMA RF output connector J2. L2 and its
associated circuitry form a balun that
transforms the two balanced signals
back to a single, unbalanced 50-
impedance output. The collector circuit
is RF bypassed by C9, C12 to C15, C18,
C21, C24, C26, C30, and C31.
The +26 VDC needed for biasing Q1 is
applied to E1. E1 is the high side of A4-
A4, a .5-/25-watt external metering
resistor that is mounted on the
heatsink next to the single stage
amplifier assembly. The metering
resistor is in the collector circuit of RF
transistor Q1 and provides the main
current path for Q1. The base bias
applied to Q1 is supplied through R11,
R4, R2, and R3.
The collector bias voltage drop across
the A4-A4 metering resistor is in
parallel with the branch consisting of
R10 and the green Current LED DS1;
as a result, it has the same voltage
across it. The collector bias voltage
drop biases on the green LED DS1. The
current flow through R10 and DS1
gives a visual indication of the current
draw of Q1 by the relative brightness of
DS1. The higher the collector current of
the transistor, the larger the voltage
drop across the metering resistor; this,
in turn, increases the voltage across
DS1 and R10. This greater voltage level
increases the current flow through DS1
and R10 and increases the brightness
of DS1. The opposite occurs when the
collector current decreases.
The use of opto-isolator U1 allows no
direct connection between the base and
collector biasing circuits other than
R11, the 200-/5-watt control resistor
that determines the actual base current
flowing in Q1. R11 provides the primary
current path from the collector circuit
to the base of Q1. If there is no current
flowing initially through Q1, R11
provides a substantial amount of base
drive. When the collector current of Q1
increases to the needed operating
level, the opto-isolator LED, which is
across U1, is turned on. This turn-on
point, or threshold, is set by the
voltage-divider network consisting of
R7, R9, and adjustable resistor R6. R6
is adjusted to set up the operating
current, at 5 amps. When the
opto-isolator LED turns on, it causes
the transistor portion to also turn on.
When the transistor portion turns on, it
biases on Q2, which acts as a shunt
regulator for the base current of Q1.
Negative feedback for the circuit is
preset so that if Q1 draws more than
the desired amount of collector current,
the voltage drop across A4-A4, the
metering resistor, becomes greater
than normal. This increase causes the
voltage across the opto-isolator to
increase; as a result, the opto-isolator
LED is brighter than normal and
forward biases Q2 even more. This
action tends to make the available