Data Sheet

UCTRONICS Ultimate Starter Leaning Kit for Raspberry Pi #K0064
buzzer, automatic doors, electric fans, automatic washing machine and dryer Machines and
other devices.
3.5 PS2 Joystick Module
A joystick is an input device consisting of a stick that pivots on a base and reports its angle or
direction to the device it is controlling. A joystick, also known as the control column, is the
principal control device in the cockpit of many civilian and military aircraft, either as a center
stick or side-stick. It often has supplementary switches to control various aspects of the
aircraft's flight.
3.5.1 Specification
Support both the output digital value and the output analog value
Port Definition:
(1) DO for digital output
(2) AO for analog output
(1) Two channels simulated output
(2) one digital output
X, Y output are separately for two potentiometer which can read out the twist Angle
through the AD transform