Data Sheet

UCTRONICS Ultimate Starter Leaning Kit for Raspberry Pi #K0064
8.24 Project 24: How to control a stepper motor
8.24.1 Overview
In this lesson, we will introduce a new electronic device
stepper motor to you, and tell you
how to control it with Raspberry Pi.
8.24.2 Requirement
Raspberry Pi ×1
Stepper motor ×1
ULN2003 stepper motor driver module ×1
Several Jumper wires
8.24.3 Principle
1. What
s Stepper motor
Please refer to chapter 3.9 DC 5V 4 Phase Step Stepper Motor
2. What
s ULN2003 driver module
Please refer to chapter 3.7 ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver Board
The Raspberry Pi
s GPIO cannot directly drive a stepper motor due to the weak current.
Therefore, a driver circuit is necessary for controlling a stepper motor. What we used in this
experiment is a ULN2003-based driver module.