Data Sheet

UCTRONICS Ultimate Starter Leaning Kit for Raspberry Pi #K0064
8.16 Project 16: Dot-matrix display
8.16.1 Overview
In this lesson, we will program to control a 8x8 dot-matrix display to realize the display of
graphical and digital we want.
8.16.2 Requirement
Raspberry Pi x 1
8x8 Dot-matrix display x 1
74HC595 x 2
Breadboard x 1
Several Jumper wires
8.16.3 Principle
1. What
s Dot-matrix display ?
Please refer to chapter 3.20.3 Dot-matrix Display
2. Working principle
The display consists of a dot-matrix of lights or mechanical indicators arranged in a
rectangular configuration (other shapes are also possible, although not common) such that
by switching on or off selected lights, text or graphics can be displayed. A dot-matrix
controller converts instructions from a processor into signals which turns on or off lights in
the matrix so that the required display is produced.
The internal structure and appearance of the dot-matrix display is as shown in below: