User's Manual

Confidential / All product specifications are subject to change without notice.
4.2.1 Select “Ethernet” as WAN Use DHCP Mode to get IP address automatically
A. Set Primary WAN type as “Ethernet”
B. Set Ethernet IP Type under Ethernet Settings as “DHCP”
C. Press Apply button Use static IP Mode
A. Set Primary WAN type as “Ethernet”
B. Set Ethernet IP Type under Ethernet Settings as “Static”
C. Configure proper settings in IP address / Netmask / Gateway / Primary DNS /
Secondary DNS under Static IP Settings
D. Press Apply button
4.3 Set Time Server
Select [NTP] page for setting NTP configuration. You will need to change this setting if LoRa
Indoor GW will be used in a private network with its own time server and Internet is not
available. GW will query NTP server from the first one until GW get the response from NTP