Frequently Asked Questions

Q12: Why is there a lagging issue sometimes when using the wireless mouse or keyboard?
A12: The reason for the lagging issue might be as follows.
1. The broadband noise from USB 3.0 data spectrum is in the 2.4-2.5GHz range. If the antenna of
a wireless device operating in this band such as 2.4GHz is placed close to any of the USB 3.0
radiation channels, it will pick up the broadband noise. Thus it will affect the SNR (signal-to-noise
ratio) and limit the sensitivity of any wireless receiver.
2. All electronic products will have some radiation. The radiation is diverging in the form of
electromagnetic waves. When the electromagnetic frequency of this radiation is just about the
same as the operating frequency range of wireless devices--2.4Ghz, it will interfere with wireless