Instruction manual

Page 168
P839 mA High Trim
If the remote device you are connected to is not calibrated, and not showing
the correct high value (reading), then you can trim it using this parameter.
You can either type in the offset directly, or use the arrow keys to move the
output up and down until you get the expected result (reading) on the remote
device that the mA output is connected to.
P840 mA Fail-safe Mode
This parameter determines what happens to the mA output in the event of
the unit going into fail-safe mode. The default is to do the same as the
system fail-safe (P808), but this can be overridden to force the mA output
to an independent fail-safe mode as follows:
0 = Default
mA output will fail as per
1 = Hold
mA output will retain its last known value.
2 = Low
mA output will fail to its
3 = High
mA output will fai
l to its
P841 mA Allocation
By default the mA output will be representative of the reading obtained, as
determined by the Mode P100. When P100 = 5 (Volume) the output can be
assigned to be representative of the level. This parameter is automatically set
to the correct default option when selecting the Mode P100 and under
normal circumstances will not require changing.
The options, dependant on the value entered for Mode P100, are as follows:
2 = Xducer 1
mA output relates to Xducer 1 levels.
When Ultra Wizard = 1 Level/Volume
5 = Volume
mA output relates to the volume.
P100 = 5