Instruction manual

Page 26
Hot Keys
There are five hot keys on the keypad, which can be used to quickly access
common parameters for viewing only, while in Run Mode. Pressing the hot
key once will display the first parameter, then repeated pressing will display
the others, then the Ultra 3 reverts to Run Mode. In program mode, they
have different functions, the functions are shown below.
Run Mode Program Mode
When application is Flow,
view non-resettable totaliser.
View and reset the resettable
Not used with Ultra 3.
Displays echo confidence,
echo strength, H.A.L.L.,
average noise, peak noise or
Not used with Ultra 3.
Not used with Ultra 3.
Reset parameter to default
Instantaneous mA output. Not used with Ultra 3.
Dependant on application
displays Distance, Level,
Space, Head, Flow, Volume or
Rate of change of level.
Toggle relay setpoints
between Ultra 3’s units of
measure and % of span.
Not used with Ultra 3.
Takes you to the last
parameter edited, when you
first enter program mode.
Gives details of unit type,
serial number and software
Enter decimal point