Instruction manual

Page 38
Flow Oracle 160
The Flow Oracle 160 open channel flowmeter provides comprehensive flow
monitoring with data logging and control functions for a complete range of
flumes, weirs and channels. Flow calculations to the British Standard
BS3680 are available within the software together with calculations for a
wide variety of other primary elements. Also available within the unit is a
customised 32 point calibration routine which also permits the flow
measurement of non - standard flumes and weirs.
The Flow Oracle 160 can measure from 0.00 m to 49.2 feet from the
transducer to the surface being monitored, dependent on the transducer used.
The Flow Oracle 160 can show details of level, space, distance, head or
flow on the display along with a totaliser if desired.
The three user-definable relays with individual setpoints can be programmed
to activate devices such as pumps, samplers, remote totalisers or other
control equipment.
The 4-20 mA output is fully programmable to provide an output relative to
level, space, distance, head or flow.