User guide

CY3280-MBR3 Evaluation Kit User Guide, Doc. #: 001-89905 Rev. *B 24
Kit Operation
Figure 3-11. Connecting the Kit Using the EZ-Click 2.0 Customizer Tool
7. Click OK. The I
C slave address of the connected device appears on the status bar at the bottom
of the EZ-Click window, as shown in Figure 3-12.
Figure 3-12. I
C Slave Address Display
8. Enable the button sensors in the CapSense sensor configuration tab, as shown in Figure 3-13.
See Pin Mapping Between CY8CMBR3116 and CY3280-MBR3 EVK on page 35 to learn about
the available button sensors and how they are connected to the CY8CMBR3116 device. In this
example, all four available button sensors on the kit are enabled.